Tentative State Competition Schedule:
Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 5:00 pm registration begins
Thursday, May 9, 2024: trail test
Friday, May 10, 2024: current issue presentations, competition should be complete by 5 pm
Registration Checklist:
- Online North Dakota Envirothon Registration Form due February 29, 2024
- $50 registration fee (make checks payable to North Dakota Envirothon) & bring to state competition
- Health/photo release form for each student and each chaperone - scan and email to ndenvirothon@gmail.com - due February 29, 2024
- Specify food allergies, health concerns and other needs indicated on the health release form
- Transportation assistance grant - optional - Due March 15, 2024
- Local Soil Conservation District Support Letter - Due April 15, 2024 to ND Envirothon Coordinator
- Crystal Springs Camp Team Expectations Document (to be signed at camp, but feel free to review in advance)
- teams need one chaperone for each gender of team members (chaperones can be responsible for multiple teams)
- The 1st place team from North Dakota will go on to the national NCF Envirothon Competition in New Brunswick, Canada. The 1st place team will receive: 1) $500 for each of the five team members from the ND Envirothon and 2) NCF National Registration paid for which includes room and board at the national competition. The ND Envirothon DOES NOT pay for airfare, passports, and misc travel expenses to and from the national competition.
- everyone needs to bring their own bedding and towels to Crystal Springs